Säilytyskaappi, latauskaappi ja kuljetuskaappi kannettaville tietokoneille, tableteille ja toisille mobiili laitteille.
Comfortable, strong and easy to handle. Mukautettava ratkaisu missä lataus löytyy vaunusta.

Storage, charging and transport cabinets for laptops, tablets and other types of mobile devices. Flexible, durable and easy to transport. A customisable solution with on-site charging in the trolley. More information about the cabinets can be found in our webshop.

With customers from a wide range of industries, their requirements are often unique. Our goal is always to develop solutions that match the need, whether it is one or one hundred flight cases. It all starts with the product to be protected, transported and stored. Depending on things like weight, size and use, we design our product around your idea.